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Touri Team


James Garmon

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Creative Director 


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Stephen  Bentley 

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Development Leader



Bernadette Sullivan

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Creative Director



In 2019, James Garmon and Bernadette Sullivan attended a networking event with the purpose of meeting some very important contacts in the entertainment industry. What happened at that event would change the course of their focus onto a problem that had not been solved: “Why are people constantly having to introduce themselves at networking events?” At that moment, their quest to develop applications that solve business related issues was born. James and Bernadette eventually met Stephen Bentley, an app developer who helped implement the design and build out of their idea, and Brazen Technology was formed. Their latest project,Touri, is a Real Estate App designed to let potential homebuyers tour homes with the use of their smartphones. Brazen Technology is currently working with select real estate agents in GA to develop this technology.  


As a company, our mission is to provide unique experiences to our users while solving problems that business owners face on a daily basis. We believe in the power of using technology as a guide to simplify life for our users and we vow to always keep our apps user friendly.

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